Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Lachie and Rebecca's garden

We chose to take some plants out of our garden over the holidays and make it into our vege garden  because it was a nice sunny spot. We collected some stones from the river and painted them and wrote the names of the plants on them to use as markers.Our seeds are starting to come through - the radishes were first.  We are still waiting for the carrots to pop up, but the beetroot are starting, the peas, corn and beans are growing and the sunflowers and calendulas are growing well.We have just put some pet and bird friendly snail bait around the plants because we noticed they were getting eaten!


  1. Anonymous10/21/2014

    NIce to have you join us on the gardening blog Lachie and Rebecca. Yes those snails are a nuisance in the garden. Enjoy your gardening. Mrs Ross

  2. Anonymous10/23/2014

    I liked the look of your garden Lachie and Rebecca. What a good idea painting stones as your markers. I bet they look cool. Mrs Hall
