Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Sophia's Garden update

Wow my radishes are spouting great!!! They look a bit like massive weeds:D I had an accident with my tomato plant... The neighbour kicked his rugby ball over the fence and it is not coping. But at least the plants around it are growing big and I mean BIG!
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  1. Anonymous11/05/2014

    Wow Sophia...Yes just look at those radishes!!! I hope you like eating them. What do you do with them? Mrs Ross

  2. Anonymous11/06/2014

    well I LOVE radishes and I am planning to ether make a salad with them or put them into my lunchbox to eat yum

    from Sophia :-p

  3. Anonymous11/07/2014

    Sophia, When you have one in your lunch box come and show me. They look enormous! Not my cup of tea really "Too hot" Enjoy your gardening. Mrs Ross
